(we’re working on the honor system, here!)
For a limited time, and with a parent’s permission, simply submit your email address and we’ll send a FREE COPY of JOURNEY TO HART’S HALO.
Here’s what some Tween Readers have said:
Hart’s Halo, the book of books (13-year-old Jack) ★★★★★
Reading this fantastic odyssey through the eye’s (sic) of a child brings a new perspective to the world of science fiction. Through a gripping tale, the reader will experience not only a fantastic story but they may even learn a bit about higher physics and quantum mechanics. One of the best teen fictions I’ve read in a long time!
ARC Reader (12-year-old Domenic)
Lou Hood is now my second favorite author, after Rick Riordan!
Please kindly provide your review in exchange, here
Hart's Halo - Kindle eBook Request Form (Kids Version)
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Middle-Grade Teachers and Librarians
Are you a Middle-Grade teacher or librarian with students between the ages of 11 and 14?
For a limited time, simply submit your email address and we’ll send a FREE COPY of JOURNEY TO HART’S HALO to sample.
Engaging and imaginative (JenX) ★★★★★
I wanted to try this book for my tween daughter … I ended up reading Hart’s Halo before I even gave it to my daughter, and just loved it! It ended up being passed around our entire household, and it was enjoyed by everyone (one really liked the setting and the storyline, another the puzzles and the scientific theories and ideas). I sent a hardcopy to my nephews, who live in another city, and we have now infected their family and friends with this book – I also like that there will be (hopefully) at least one more book coming up. Look forward to that!
Please kindly provide your review in exchange, here
Hart's Halo - Kindle eBook Request Form (Teachers Version)
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Free LEARNING RESOURCE for Middle-Grade teachers! Please provide an email address for us to send the learning resource.
Hart's Halo - Learning Resource
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